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Government Is a Grace of God

December 10, 2023 Speaker: Kit Johnson Series: Romans

Topic: Expository Passage: Romans 13:1-7


Over the last year and a half, we’ve studied many beloved passages in Romans. But you may not naturally love today’s text (read). That’s not what we want God to tell us is it? We love to complain about the government. It’s one of our favorite past times.

A lot of it is justified. Our government has big problems. But let’s be honest and say that our struggle with this text goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one good rule. You can’t get much more libertarian than that. But one rule was too much for Adam and Eve. Our biggest problem is that we don’t like authority.

This is especially true for men. You love authority structures when you are the authority. Men will pound the table that their wives and children must obey them. But the moment you challenge them to submit to a God-ordained authority, they have a mile of excuses. No one is going to tell them what to do.

So, our resistance to this passage goes to the core of our being. But there’s no question that government overreach during COVID and the constant gnawing of left-wing political correctness have exacerbated our distaste for authority. Americans don’t trust the government like they used to. They are done with stupid rules.

It’s a documented fact that this is especially so among men. They are tired silly rules and of being told to apologize for their manhood. They aren’t just done with stupid rules; they are done with authority altogether. Increasingly, they are turning to a rogue individualism that is caustic, harsh, and inconsiderate.

It may feel good and be very popular among other men, but it is not Christian. Rather, God told us in 12:1–2 that based on the mercies we have received, we must “present our bodies” as a “holy sacrifice, acceptable to God.” We must not be “conformed to this world, but be transformed.” One way God commands you to live a radically transformed life is to submit to the government God has placed over you. Yes, a lot of loud, compelling voices are telling you that’s absurd. But we are not everyone else. We are new creatures in Christ. We can obey him, and we get to obey. Trust God that his way is best.

I plan to spend two Sundays on this passage. Today, I want to consider why you must submit to government, and next Sunday we’ll talk about how you must submit. So, I know you will have questions about what submission looks like, and especially about when it is right to disobey. All of that is very important, but you’ll have to come back next week for that discussion. You must first understand why government is a good gift of God and why God commands you to submit before you are ready to talk application and exceptions. Specifically, you must trust God and his sovereign will for your life. Only then will you obey my central challenge, embrace God-ordained authorities. God gives you 4 reasons why you must do so.

I.  Government is God’s good gift.

Before I explain why, notice that v. 1 gives the central challenge (v. 1a). “Governing authorities” includes every level of government, not just the king. Verse 3 mentions “rulers” (plural), and vv. 6–7 highlight local officials who collect taxes.

So, if you are tempted to think this passage only applies to high levels of the government, or only to good governments and leaders that you like, put that out of your mind. Nero, the man who would ultimately martyr Paul, was Paul’s king, and he had endured plenty of injustice at the hands of local governments. Paul lived under a far worse government than ours, but he still commands us to submit. Why?

Verse 1 says, “There is no…” Verse 2 says that government is rooted in “the ordinance of God.” And v. 4 says government officials are “ministers (i.e., servants) of God.” So, God says that the current rendition of the US government is “established by God.” The California government is established by God. The same goes for San Bernardino County, Apple Valley, etc.

I know that’s a hard pill to swallow. Some of those authorities have big problems. But God ordained them. You must see them with a God-centered perspective. And the Bible teaches that while individual authorities may be corrupt, government as a whole is a gracious gift of God. Where’s the amens? That’s hard to believe, so why do I say that?

Government displays God’s authority, righteousness, and justice. Our God is a God of order and authority. There’s even an authority structure in the Trinity! So, anarchy is not godly. God is also righteous. There’s no such thing as your morality and mine. So, God is the author of laws that define righteousness. And God holds us to his standard. He is a God of justice.

Therefore, when governments create order, establish righteous laws, and enforce those laws through a justice system, they reflect God’s character.

So, God invented government, not power-hungry dictators. Specifically, he laid the foundation for government when Noah left the ark. God told him, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of GodHe made man” (Gen 9:6). God said that there must be a system to uphold righteousness and to punish evil.

And v. 4 says that’s when the government does this, it acts on God’s behalf and reflects his character. It is “a minister of God, an avenger…”

That’s a good thing. Sinners don’t thrive doing whatever we want. We thrive under good authority structures and good organization. The evidence is everywhere—in your workplace, your home, and the church. Poor authority and organization create frustrating chaos, but good authority and organization create peace, and everyone thrives.

So, don’t despise authority. Love it as a good gift of God and as a reflection of his authority over us. John Piper says, “The irony is that human autonomy feels like we have gained significance, when in fact we have lost sanity. Freedom from God feels exhilarating. But it is the exhilaration of skydiving without a parachute. Apart from the Holy Spirit, all humans fall for this lie. The truth, over against this lie, is that the glory of man is not to be God but to know God.” Give thanks for the government and for God-ordained authority structures in the home, at church, at work, and everywhere else. 2nd

Government anticipates Christ’s rule. One of our favorite Christmas passages says, “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness” (Isa 9:6–7).

Heaven will not be doing whatever you want; it will be life under a perfect authority. Yes, no depraved ruler will ever come close to matching Jesus, but that doesn’t mean authority is bad. It only means we need a better authority. So, when the government does something good, use it to look forward to the rule of Christ. And when it does something bad, pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Praise the Lord that a perfect ruler is coming. A 3rd reason you should give thanks for government is because…

Government restrains human depravity. You may like to think you would do great without authority. “I would thrive. I would know what is right, I would make the right decisions, and I would please God.” But God understands that you need accountability.

God powerfully illustrates this in Judges 17–21. Israel spiraled into wretched violence, paganism, and abuse. Why? 4 times God says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25). Israel needed a king held them accountable. So do you. You need authority. You need a government.

Why? You are a sinner, and you are prone to self-deception. Furthermore, there is a ton that you don’t know. Car seats are terribly frustrating, and if the government didn’t make me use them, I’d probably say they were dumb and throw them out. But I’m glad someone did the research to determine how to keep my 1-year-old safe and that I’m required to use them.

Yes, the government and every other layer of authority makes mistakes. Your husband blows it and so do your parents. The same goes for the church, your teachers, your boss, and everyone else. But those authority structures are a good grace of God in your life.

Don’t buy the worldly, arrogant notion that you always know best. No, trust God that he knows you, and he knows what is good for you. Give thanks for government and for every other God-ordained authority in your life. A 2nd reason you must submit to government is…

II.  God places authorities in power.

Maybe you are fully on board with the last point, “Sure, God ordained government and by extension family structures, etc. They are good.” But there’s no way he ordained the 2023 version of our government. Maybe you think you married the wrong man. Maybe you think God gave you the wrong parents or the wrong boss. Therefore, your disobedience is justified. There’s no way God could expect me to obey this authority.

But God will not let you off the hook. Verse 1 says, “There is no authority…” That is an incredible statement. And remember that Paul didn’t write that from his own utopia. Nero was his Caesar, and many local governments had persecuted Paul.

But Paul was ruthlessly committed to God’s sovereign, wise, and good rule over his life. He believed that God put Nero over him.

And notice the incredible language of v. 4. Twice, he calls the Roman government a “minister of God” in his life. Minister means servant. He’s saying that Joe Biden, Gavin Newsome, and others are God’s servants for you. And he says it again in v. 6. You must pay your taxes so that government officials can devote themselves to serving you. Ouch! Right?

But don’t think that Paul bumped his head or ate some bad grapes before he wrote this. He is simply upholding the consistent theology of Scripture. Daniel 4:17 says King Nebuchadnezzar would be humbled, “In order that the living may know that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes and sets over it the lowliest of men.”

Do you believe God? Do you believe that our universe is full of accidents and that evil rivals God? Or do you believe God is sovereign, and there are no accidents and no bad luck? The proof is how you respond to the parts of his sovereign will that you don’t like.

To be clear, you should feel righteous indignation toward many of our government’s policies. And you should work to see them changed. Pray, campaign, and vote to remove evil leaders. You should also sorrow over the hard aspects of God’s will.

But also rest in the sovereign wisdom of God? If you have a malicious, bitter attitude toward the government, you are not resting in God’s sovereignty. If you are compromise biblical ethics and become harsh, malicious, and coarse in how you attack a politician, you are not trusting his sovereign will.

And you are carrying a burden that you don’t need to bear. God’s sovereignty is so liberating. Think of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar ripped him out of his home as a boy and carried him across the world. He killed most of Daniel’s countrymen, and he burned his hometown and his temple. How could Daniel possibly serve this man? It’s because he believed God is sovereign, wise, and good. His faith allowed him to leave his anguish, bitterness, worry, and rage with the Lord and to go forward in peace.

You can do that too, not just concerning the government but every other burden of life also. “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you” (1 Pet 5:7). God cares for you. So, don’t fret about the government. Don’t be angry about your boss, your parents, or your husband. Leave it with God. Rest in his love and sovereignty. Cast your cares on him. The 3rd reason you must submit to the government is because…

III.  Obedience to government is obedience to God.

Once again, you must think rightly about God before you will think rightly about government or any authority. God is calling you to a radically God-centered, new perspective on all of life.

So, don’t let your favorite political commentator or the guys at work dictate how you see the government because there is a God-sized hole in their thinking. And it’s probably full of bitterness, anxiety, and misery. Praise God that you don’t have to live that way. Start with God as you think about government and every other facet of life.

And that this even extends to how you submit to government. Verse 2 is incredible (read). Yes, there are exceptions to this. If an authority commands you to disobey God, you must obey God and disobey the authority. But don’t let anxiety over the exceptions distract you from the fundamental principle. God ordains authorities. When you obey authority, you are obeying God. When you disobey authority, you are disobeying God. And if that’s not clear enough, God warns that disobedience brings condemnation, judgment.

And don’t think, “Well, God understands it’s a stupid rule.” That’s just silly. Parents, how often do you accept that excuse from your kids? You’ve told them many times that it doesn’t matter how imperfect mom and dad are, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord.” Do you hold them to a higher standard than you do yourself?

Furthermore, just because your kids think a rule is stupid doesn’t make it stupid. You can see their arrogant foolishness very clearly, but can you see your own? You don’t always know what is stupid and what isn’t. Or at least, are you willing to withhold judgment and assume the best of the government, your school, your parents, and the church? Ultimately, will you trust God that he did not make a mistake when he placed authorities over you. He may have a good purpose for you even behind the stupidest rule.

So, v. 5 says, “It is necessary to be in subjection…for conscience’ sake.” God sees even if your earthly authority doesn’t. And God is worthy of your submission even if your authority is not.

Again, will you trust God? I know the government does some dumb things. Your boss may be a jerk. Your parents and your teachers have bad days and do dumb stuff. But God is never a jerk, he never has a bad day, and he never does dumb stuff. So, take your eyes of the human authority and put them on God. Trust God. He knows what he is doing. Then submit “for conscience’ sake.” The 4th reason you must submit to the government is…

IV.  Government praises righteousness and punishes evil (vv. 3–4).

Once again, you probably want to immediately jump to the exceptions. Unfortunately, the government at times praises evil and punishes righteousness. Paul knows that. Governments punished him many times for simply preaching the gospel.

We’ll talk about the exceptions next week, but don’t let the exceptions blind you to all the good that comes from law and order. If our government, police, and justice system vanished, your life would not improve. Chaos, fear, and violence would explode.

Praise God that he gave us a government. Praise God that it cannot be said of us, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg 21:25). Give thanks for our constitutional system and the government we have in place. God is good to us.

Then obey the government. Verse 3 is a great challenge for any of you guys who dodge cops on the way to work. Obey the law. It is good for your safety and the safety of everyone else on the road. Then, you don’t have to fear. Prepare your taxes honestly this winter. If you do, you don’t have to fear being audited.

Don’t resist that accountability; embrace it. Verse 4 says it is from God. The justice system acts as “a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” When they do that, it is a foretaste for the perfect justice Christ will bring some day.

And it is good for your soul and your safety. It is good that you fear the consequences of driving 100 mph. I know that CFS oversteps at times, but it’s good that you are accountable for not abusing your children. I hope you’d never do it to begin with, but it’s not bad to have that lingering fear in the back of your head. On and on it goes. We all benefit from accountability.

That includes every level of God-ordained accountability. A good boss doesn’t let you do whatever you want. A good church does not stay out of your business, at least when it comes to your spiritual life. A good coach pushes you to the max. Be humble enough to admit that you need those structures and embrace them.


Of all the applications we have studied following Romans 12:1–2, embracing God-ordained authorities may be the most unusual one. Unbelievers will love much of Romans 12, but they’re going to say that 13:1–7 is nuts. And it is if God is not perfectly sovereign, wise, and good. But he is. Faith transforms everything.

And gospel grace makes obeying this passage very doable. Don’t forget Romans 6–8 when you hear these commands. Christian, you are united to Christ. You are alive to righteousness. You can yield your members as instruments of righteousness. You can do this by the grace of God. So, embrace God-ordained authorities.

And when those authorities disappoint remember that someday the government will be on Christ’s shoulders. “His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace.” There will be perfect justice, perfect peace, and unimaginable blessing. Christ is a good Savior, and he is worthy of your trust.

Do you know that he is your Savior? Do you know you will be in his kingdom? Christ came the first time to die on the cross for our sins. He absorbed God’s just wrath against your sin. He offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe on him. Please receive him if you have not done so.

Because Jesus did not stay dead. He rose again, and he’s coming again to fix all that is broken and establish a perfect government where righteousness and justice reign.

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